Tuesday, December 3, 2013

How to Use PowerPoint

Hello Students!
One option for your "Time to Teach" project is to make a PowerPoint to present to the class what you learned. Below I have provided you with a short video on how to correctly set up a PowerPoint!
-Ms. Kirby 

Dear Parents,
Here is a quick podcast covering what we covered at Back to School Night. Also there is a document for volunteer sign up. If you are interested in signing up please print this out and send it in with your child!


-Ms. Kirby

Back to School Night Outline

Volunteer Sign up

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Acceptable Use Policy & Internet Safety Handout

Dear Parents,
This year I will be incorporating technology in my classroom through a variety of techniques. This means that your children will be using the Internet to accomplish different activities. In saying that, I will be teaching them the importance of Internet Safety. I encourage you to take the time to read over the document below. I will be going over these key points with your children. Take some time to discuss them with your child. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to me. After our lesson about internet safety, the class and I will come up with a contract to ensure everyone follows the rules when using technology. I will send this home for you and your child to sign. Thank you.
-Ms. Kirby 


Time for You to Teach

Dear Students,
This year we will do a new kind of show & tell. This year you will be responsible for learning something new and teaching it to your class. Below are a list of awesome website for you to explore and get ideas for your project. I will pass out in class a rubric for your project. Start by looking through these websites for ideas! 
-Ms. Kirby

P.S. Ms. Kirby loves fun, colorful posters to hang in her room :) Think about decorating one for your presentation! 


Dear Parents,
This year I want to encourage you not only to be involved in your students progress throughout the year but also to be involved in my progress. I can only grow with feedback. Yes, I do receive feedback from my coworkers, as well as principle, but I encourage you to provide me with feedback. Negative and Positive feedback is welcome. Below is a great video of why it is important for teachers to receive feedback :)
-Ms. Kirby 


Math Mission Webquest

Dear Parents,
Below I have provided a link for a Math Mission Webquest. If I feel your child needs some extra practice, I will refer them to this link so they can get some addition practice outside the classroom. However, if I do not refer your child to this and you still feel like they need some more math time rather than video game time :), feel more than happy to send them straight to this Webquest.
-Ms. Kirby


Engrade (online gradebook)

I used Engrade, a free online grade book. I like how there is also a calendar component to this website. It was easy to sign-up and use!